H.L. Patel College Bhayavadar
It is a Matter of Sreat Pleasure to Present this Self Study Report of our College to the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) for Assessment and Accreditation.
We have Made Sincere Effort and Honest Retrospection, While Preparing this Self Study Report. We have Presented this Exactly in Consonance With the Suidelines Formulated by NAAC.
At the Time of Submission of this SSR, We Honestly Believe that Setting Accreditation from an Esteemed and Autonomous Body like NAAC is a Matter of Pride and Privilege. We have Highlighted our Strengths and not Ignored to Mention our Weaknesses. We Know that our Immediate task is to Concentrate in Formulating an Elaborate Plan and Proper Implementation of the same in the Shortest Span of Time to Overcome the Weaknesses.
We Whole-Heartedly Accept that NAAC has siven us an Opportunity to Look into Ourselves and to Motivate us for Hectic Academic Exercise. We Hope and Believe that we many come upto the Expectation of NAAC.
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